Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Watch Your Mouth

Maybe if we spent less time worrying about what bags to use at the supermarket and more time worrying about the Rights of Man, we'd have more time to well, use the proper bags at the supermarket.

State Representative Douglas Bruce (R-CO) said during a debate at the Colorado State House on Monday that he doesn't think the state needs "five thousand more illiterate peasants," when speaking about a bill that would help illegal immigrants obtain temporary work visas. His comment drew "an audible gasp." Chairwoman Kathleen Curry (D-CO) said "how dare you" and removed his recognition to speak. She probably forgot to say "whateverrrr."

First of all, if the term "illiterate peasant" is now going to be considered a horrible slur, we might as well give up English as our mother tongue because the language is lost. Second of all, we have not been fighting for the Rights of Man in this country for 250 years just to get to a point where opinions and statements are to be considered something to be afraid of.

Listen people, you don't want to live in a country that puts your thoughts and words into little cubbyholes of "right" and "wrong." Maybe if we weren't afraid to recognize the plight of people we'd be in a better position to grace them with our abundance.

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