Thursday, June 26, 2008

There's Something About Barack

The more I listen to him and read about him, the more convinced I am that he will be a disaster as our next president. His avarice and ineptitude will be our downfall; I don't think he's dangerous in any of the ways the lunatic Right in this country is predicting, but he will be a disaster.

The last speech I heard he was riling up his audience talking about how his opposition will attack his inexperience (excellent attack point), his platform (so far non-existent - "change" is not a platform), and some other things he was whining about. But then, the coup de grace of stupidity. He said, imitating and mocking his opponents, "And 'oh yeah, he's black too.'" This drew thunderous applause from the ignoramuses in the audience.

Mr. Obama, because you are continuing to rely on your built-in, fail-safe "I-am-black-so-don't-criticize-me-or-you-are-a-racist" childish mantra, you have disqualified yourself as someone I can ever respect as a leader. When you grow up intellectually enough to succeed or fail on your own merits without racial pre-condition or making your failure my fault, I will listen to you.

Dear America,
When you all just get over race and decide to start progressing toward the future again, give me a call.
Your friend,

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