Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Tonight you will hear the single greatest conservative orator since, well, ever. You will tune into Barack America's 8:00 PM sitcom / dramedy on Barack America TV and you will be transfixed. He will say all of the right things and you will get googly-eyed and dream about spooning with him when the show is over. He will tell you he is not like all the other Socialists who have come before him. He will tell you that Americans like small government and want to be left alone. You will buy it. You are getting sleepy. You are getting sleepy. Later he will tell you that you are a chicken and he wants you to stick your hands under your arms and strut around the farmyard pecking at the kernels of corn on the ground. You will do this until he snaps his fingers.

Not surprisingly, McCain will be on Larry King Live, home of the pertinent as they compare age spots.

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