Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Silent Obama - Terrorist Connection

Here's one you haven't been allowed to hear yet.

Jesse Jackson said yesterday that years of putting Israel first will end under the Barack America presidency and that "Zionists have controlled American policy for decades and will lose their clout" under a Barack America administration. Barack America's camp was quick to put out a statement distancing itself from Jackson's comments.


Barack and Michelle are very tight friends with Khalid Rashedi, a former PLO spokesman and negotiator for the Palestinians. According to Barack America, Rashedi "opened [his] eyes to a different point of view."

I like different point of views, and in fact I try to avoid people with limited POVs, but, there has to come a point where Americans begin to question at least something about their presumptive next president and the direction his beliefs will take us all in the next four years.

Seriously, maybe if the Republicans stopped the shocking headline, email scare-tactic crap and started really pushing the issues, comfortable or not, the country could really make an informed decision.

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