Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This episode of Jackass Week has been pre-empted due to a dire national emergency. I watched the debate last night and I'm stewed.

McCain is now announcing a $300,000,000,000 federal program to purchase bad mortgages to keep homeowners in their homes. Now, I will admit that this sucks for them, but between McCain's proposal and the $700,000,000,000 bailout that I guess is working because the Dow isn't worth zero yet, we will be spending 1,000,000,000,000 to correct bad decisions, greed and corruption. My truck has 135,000 miles on it and it won't be paid off until June. I am in negative equity on the truck. My hand is out and I am switching my weight between my feet and sighing impatiently but no one is coming to my rescue.

I cannot support any more stupid bailouts for every Tom, Dick and Harry that made a mistake. Whether the mistake was out of naivete, ignorance, hubris or criminal mentality, I will simply not support bailouts, especially based on the fact that the market seems to be immune from the bailout we just passed. Manipulating the value of real estate in this country through artificial mortgage holdings and value manipulation will make the 1970's and 1930's look like the 1980's in comparison.

This is a deal breaker for me, so as long as McCain supports this stupid election season stunt, I cannot vote for him. Yup, I'll press the lever for Barack America, that's how serious I am about this. Joe Biden said this morning that this program is already in the Bill that was passed, and as far as I've been able to find out, he is wrong. Here's a few other things Biden got wrong:,2933,433314,00.html The thing is, I am voting for President, not Veep, so as fun as it is to rock Biden's world, we're in some serious swamps here and the alligators are swimming in our direction.

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