Thursday, January 22, 2009

Caroline, No

In this installment of The Blog, I will do the job the media refuses to do:

(sound of phone ringing)

Caroline Kennedy: Erra, hallo?

Voice Of Democratic Operative On Other End: Ms. Kennedy, this is (insert name of person from Chuck Schumer's office here). Ms. Kennedy we have a problem.

CK: Erra, what, you know, is the problem, you know?

VODOOOE: Ah, Ms. Kennedy, you are dumb as a tree and you have no experience or talent for the job, even though my boss Chuck Schumer doesn't either, but at least he went out and got the public fooled. You on the other hand are simply not qualified for the job.

CK: Erra, I know, you know?

VODOOOE: But, herein lies the paradox. We Democrats still think the public loves the Kennedy's, and what after-all with the family legacy and other assorted tidbits, we realize the falsely perceived public relations nightmare Governor Patterson will have if he doesn't appoint you.

CK: Erra, yes, I know, you know?

VODOOOE: So, Ms. Kennedy, we are going to give you the opportunity to withdraw your name from consideration. Thus, saving face for everyone involved. In return, you will be considered for a future State or Federal position or Cabinet post. Do you understand Ms. Kennedy?

CK: Erra, yes, I do, you know, understand, you know? Ummm, erra, who is this again?

That my friends is how politics really works. Do I have proof that this conversation actually happened? No more proof than that it didn't happen.

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