Nancy Pelosi is no longer the World's Most Stupidest Person In The World (WMSPITW) as we now have a new World's Most Stupidest Person In The World Award (WMSPITWA) winner!
Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL) had some interesting things to say today about Sarah Palin. And I quote: “Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks.” So I've heard a lot of things, and I happen to be a big fan of moose, but to equate moose with human beings, even political poker chip human beings, just seems a bit of a stretch to me.
A former federal judge, Hastings was impeached and removed from the bench in 1989 for perjury and corruption. He won his Congressional seat in 1992.
Historically both Blacks and Jews vote Democrat, but McCain is actively courting the Jewish vote. There are no moose registered to vote in areas where moose live, so it seems unlikely any moose would be concerned with Hastings' statement. I am sure, however, that there are several moose in Alaska who would like to see Governor Palin move to Washington, D.C.
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