Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nobody Doesn't Like Sarah Palin.

Well. That was fun. First of all Mitt Romney disappointed. Then Mike Hukabee was good. Rudy kicked ass in the way only a New Yorker could do - until Sarah Palin came on. It was fun to watch the Media fall all over themselves going ga-ga over her. Joe Biden was as stupefied as I've ever seen him, which is always a treat for me.

It is clear now that the vitriol directed at Ms. Palin by the Media was simply their temper tantrum at not having been part of the vetting process. McCain's people kept her in the Secret Weapon file until the last possible minute, and well, how dare they not include the Katie Courics and Wold Blitzers of the world in running the government and the campaign?

In a brilliant stroke of triangulation (go back to your management studies) McCain is now above the fray, while a smart, witty, tough, experienced and pleasant Sarah Palin is drawing Barama into a fight with her - a fight he cannot win.

She is the strongest, best, and brightest example my generation has produced and I doubt I could have been more impressed with any other Veep candidate. I can't wait to watch the petulant, emotionally unstable Left-wing Barama supporters try to pull their bloomers out of the bunch they're in now.

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