Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stand Up Chuck

First of all...

Dear Moe-Rons,
The world wasn't going to end the second the CERN Accelerator was fired up. It could take a year before a Black Hole is even formed, and then it could be four years before it swallows the Earth. That's why I'm calling this The Beginning Of The End Of The World Week.
Your Friend,

Maybe our friends in the media would serve us better if they actually did a little reading or something.

Second of all...
On first take, after hearing his audience applaud the line wildly, I took Barama's "Lipstick Pig" line as a direct reference to Palin. After all, the whole lipstick on a pitbull thing is in the current public lexicon. Now, even after the Matt Lauer's of the world have ridiculed and admonished me, I still think Barama's audience took Barama's intent to be a shot at Palin, and Barama made no effort to correct them.

Third of all...
Whenever the word "up" is followed by the word "chuck" I laugh. I can't help it. But never have I gotten the [expletive deleted] chills like I got when I heard those words come out of Joe Biden's mouth...take a lookie why dontcha...

BTW, Senator Graham is confined to a wheelchair.

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