Monday, May 5, 2008

If You Pay Too Much For Gas - Read This.

People stop me on the street and say, Holy Crap, Oulsham, I am paying alot for gas. How about you? I tell them that I am also paying a lot for gas. Then they ask me why this is so and this I tell them:

Let's start with Hillary's stupid summer tax holiday. First of all we should all only pay one straight tax on consumption (flat tax). But the attorneys, congress-people and accountants dislike this idea. A summer gas tax holiday is an idea the village idiot might come up with. Barama says we should find alternative energy. Okay, dope, that will help me power my wheelchair in thirty years, (assuming my knees don't give out before then). Still, taxes are not the reason gas is expensive. Oil company windfall profits are also not the reason. Didn't any of you take economics in college?

Here is why we are paying so much for gas, and until we make fundamental changes in this country prices will continue to rise. In 1996, China imported 165.9 million barrels of oil. The US imported 3,469,128 million barrels. In 2006, China imported 1,064,600 barrels and the US imported 5,003,082. In ten years, while our consumption went up 30%, China's went up 84%. We're not even talking about India here.

The last oil refinery built in the US? 1976. In New Jersey alone our most-stupid Senator Frank Lautenberg is proud of the fact that he stopped off-shore oil exploration here. Lots of oil in Alaska but the college students won't let us go get it.

Should we be mad at China? Hell no. To the victors go the spoils. We should be mad at ourselves for being lazy, stupid, arrogant and mis-directed.

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