Friday, December 19, 2008

Too Bad The Band Was Too Loud For People To Hear Their Conversations

Last night was my yearly visit with the great unwashed masses. Last night was the Youngest Sham's Yearly Holiday Concert. Being the proud parents we are, me and the SO got seats in the center of the auditorium - perfect for viewing and listening. "This will be great," I said to myself as I sat down. "Yes it will, indeed," I replied.

Well it wasn't. The student musicians were excellent, but as usual the cretins I was forced to sit near haven't learned anything since last year.

Let's see...there was the woman who sat behind me. Listen lady, the point of whispering is NOT to whisper as loud as possible. Loud whispering is far more obnoxious than regular talking. Well, eventually, this moron's kid came on to play and she picked up the video camera and put it right in my ear. I could hear her breathing and the motor of the camera. Hey lady, how about helping me out and buying a digital camera and breathing into a plastic bag next time? Thank you.

Then there was the foursome a few seats away from her. First of all during a nice quiet handbell version of Winter Wonderland, one of them decides to hum along - loudly and out of key. Listen honey, that might go over in your living room, but out in the real world you've got to keep it down a bit, and you're way old enough to know that by now. When her grandkid finally came on, her daughter (I presume) proceeded to shout over the sound of the band as she pointed out to the humming oldster where their kid was at. This was accompanied by the parent / grandchild next to them who actually carried on a complete conversation about what their little monster was doing on stage during the last song of the evening.

The rest of the people in the auditorium seemed capable of behaving themselves, or maybe their prescriptions were recently renewed, so once again, I have concluded this is payback for some egregious thing I did to some old fart in a movie theater when I was a teenager.

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