Monday, October 6, 2008

Keith Olbermann, Thundering Velvet, Cookie Whoopse

And it begins, the second Biennial Jackass Week of 2008. I love Jackass Week. You love Jackass Week.

Today it's a toss-up between two deserving nominees and a person under consideration.

1. Keith Olbermann is the most obnoxious, unfunny, negative and annoying person on television today. If you like him I am afraid that you too are a Jackass. Mr. Olbermann does replays for NBC's Sunday Night Football pregame show. He has made the show unwatchable. He inserts his stupid political remarks into football replays which is the ultimate in Jackassery. He thinks being funny means aping Chris Berman from ESPN. The problem is, Berman is funny and original, whereas, doofus Olbermann is simply negative and simple-minded. His jokes are the epitome of stupid which is made worse because of his arrogance and pithiness. I no longer watch anything with him on it and you should agree with me. Olbermann is also dangerous because of his simple-mindedness. His take on the world is that Democrats are always right and everyone else is always wrong. He has too much power to be that simplistic. Don't believe me? Go to to get an idea of what this guy is really all about. A few simple Google searches will also help.

2. People who name their child-rearing philosophies. I knew someone who called their particular style "Thundering Velvet." They were serious. I defy you to sit at a table with someone who is desribing in great detail and affectation the merits of Thundering Velvet without laughing or whoopsing your cookies. You can't do it. BTW, if you have a name for your parenting style, seriously, save your kids and put them up for adoption.

3. Speaking of Cookie Whoopse. I saw someone get thrown up on Saturday night and they acted like it was the worse thing that ever happened to anyone. Thanks for showing me all the places the whoopse landed.

I love Jackass Week. I sent this to Keith...I hope he likes Jackass Week too!

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