Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Election In Review

First of all, congratulations to Barack Obama on running a near-seamless campaign and exploiting the foolishness of George W. Bush and his Country Club Republicans. I hope that all of you fear-mongering CC Republicans will get over it and do the right thing by supporting our new President.

Now is the time to understand that agreement and support are mutually exclusive, and that you can support your President without agreeing with him. Conservatism has taken a nasty blow to the solar plexus and if we're as smart as we say we are we'll get over it and learn from it. By the way, you cannot say America will not survive an Obama presidency at the same time you believe this is a great country. We survived Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon.

President-Elect Obama now has the daunting task of pleasing 67,000,000 Americans who voted for him and not pissing off 55,000,000 Americans who didn't. Good luck on that. I wish him well and I will do my best within my own principles to support him. Lord knows we need to come together as a country and stop the petty bickering, and I for one am hoping we voted for the right man for the job.

If we were wrong, we'll survive, but it won't be fun.

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