Friday, August 8, 2008


This week's TWIR is commercial free.

1. I am happy that John McCain's camp is showing a little, shall we say, cajones. Barama has a glass jaw and if you hit him hard enough on it he will crumble. He doesn't take criticism very well.

2. Speaking of Barama being a big baby, ABC World News Tonight ran a promo for a story about "all of the constant attacks Barack Obama has been under." Really? I must have missed them.

3. When exactly the hell are the stinkin' Conventions? I love the conventions but if they're on against the Olympics or during my vacation, tough strudel.

4. BTW Barama, I would like you to show the statistics and the study that said if we all inflated our tires properly we would reduce oil consumption "four to five percent."

5. Speaking of inflating my tires. The rim that is currently on my right rear tire is a little bit bent. When it used to be on the front I put my truck air born out in the woods one day and landed a little hard. So now it leaks. I put air in it the other day but I still had to buy gas.

6. Jon Corzine thinks the Brett Favre trade is "good." I think Jon Corzine is "bad," but I'm ambivalent about the Favre trade.

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