Friday, September 12, 2008


This issue is brought to you by Barack America for President.

1. I am hoping the Black Hole formed by the 17-mile long particle smasher doesn't decide to come up through the earth at my house. That would suck. Do you think God's particle smasher was longer than 17 miles?

2. My SO asked me this morning to describe the Bush Doctrine. I did better than Gov. Palin did with my answer and that was at 6:45 before breakfast. You'd think Gov. Palin might want to do a little research.

3. Gaito's Restaurant in Galveston, TX is my favorite restaurant in the world. It stands about 100 feet from the Gulf. They've survived bad stuff before, I sincerely hope they have another one in them.

4. The kind folks at the Lone Star Aviation Museum at the Galveston airport actually let me sit in the cockpits of a B-17 and a P-38 - two absolute highlights. I wish them the best this weekend as well.

5. I wish I lived in a country that respected people like Newt Gingrich instead of vilifying them.

6. I am changing Barama's name to Barack America. I know it's longer, but hey, if that's what Joe Biden calls him, well then who am I to disagree?

7. Barack America had an interesting move during his interview with Bill O'Reilly. Every time Barack America tried to make a point he would reach over and touch Bill's knee as if to remind Bill to stay in his place.

8. Go Saints.

9. Joe Biden is the funniest man in America and I would like to personally thank Barack America for picking him over someone who might actually have been a good candidate.

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