Thursday, January 29, 2009

Further Proof We Are All Doomed

My ever-patient SO took care of some telephonic business for me today. Without lying and adding stupid things for dramatic effect, this is how the conversation went.

My Ever-Patient SO: I would like to change some things in Mr. Oulsham's account.

Person Of Questionable Intelligence On Other End Of Phone: I can't do that without his authorization. Do you have his credit card number?

MEPSO: No, but I have his Social Security number.

POQIOOEOP: That's no good. I have to have his authorization to change the account. Can you call him and get his authorization and then call me back?

MEPSO: (Stifling a laugh): That's all I have to do? He asked me this morning to change the account for him before he left for work.

POQIOOEOP: Oh, he already gave you his authorization? Fine then, how can I help you?

I'm beginning to wonder if without stupid people there would be no people, except of course for you and I and MEPSO.

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